Middle School Students

Grades 6-8th

On Sunday mornings, we meet from 9:45am to 10:30am for Bible & Life Groups to take a deeper look at the Bible and what exactly happened in the stories we read and know.

Each Wednesday, we meet at 6:45pm during Midweek for praise and worship led by our youth band, and play games. We then take time to examine the Bible to see how God worked in history and how he still is working today. We also break into small groups to dig deeper into what God is teaching us about how He loves us, how to follow Him, and how we can, in turn, love others.

Our goal is to provide a place to focus ourselves on God, whether it be by talking with a leader or talking to a peer from another school. Our ultimate goal is to point students to Christ. In the winter, our students enjoy a weekend retreat and each summer our students serve on a mission trip.

Yearly Events

For Middle and High School Students

In the winter, our students enjoy a weekend retreat and each
summer our students serve on a mission trip.