Infants, Preschool & Kindergarten

Our goal is to provide a safe, loving, child-centered environment where we show God’s love to our youngest attenders.  

A dedicated team of teachers, employees, and volunteers work together to provide an age-appropriate

program to meet the needs of preschool children.

Sunday Mornings 
8:15 am and 10:45 am 
(During Worship Services)  

9:45 am 
(During Bible & Life Groups)

While the adults attend services and groups, preschool children are busy

in their age-appropriate classrooms where Bible truths are presented

through a combination of lessons, videos, music, and crafts.  Our precious

babies and toddlers are introduced to God through the loving and

nurturing staff who are devoted to meeting their every need.

Wednesday Evenings
(During Midweek Classes)

Beginning at 6:30 PM, parents are welcome to check in their children in the

preschool department for a high-energy hour of learning about God and

His love for us.  Childcare is provided for infants to 2-year-olds, while

children ages 3-5 will be involved in activities such as the nightly

 Bible lesson, crafts, and music.   We use an electronic check-in system to

track all  children while they are in the department.